Film: Triple-Chaser
Role: Producing team
When US border agents fired tear gas grenades at civilians in November 2018, photographs showed that many of those grenades were manufactured by the Safariland Group, one of the world’s major manufacturers of so-called ‘less-lethal munitions’. The Safariland Group is owned by Warren B. Kanders, the vice chair of the board of trustees of the Whitney Museum of American Art.
In response, Forensic Architecture created a machine learning algorithm, and collaborated with Praxis Films on this short film, Triple-Chaser.
After pressure from almost one hundred Whitney staff, from artists, from activists, from critics, and the growing context of accountability in museum philanthropy, Warren Kanders resigned from the Whitney board.
Watch the full film,
read the research
and meet the team here: https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/triple-chaser
The New York Times
The New Yorker
Art Forum
The New York Times
Art Forum